We all bleed the same..

The other day me and a group of friends all went to the park across the street. We wanted to go on the swings and just hang out. 

Now, we live in an area where is a high number of african americans.

Anyway, walking over there there were a few black people (not saying it so be offensive, it is what it is) just sitting around and when we got there one of the guys was “Shit, common we gotta go” and moved all the way to the other side of the park and.. just.. why?

Why did it matter so much to them that a few white people were around? What the fuck were we going to do?

It’s a shame how awkward both parties act around each other. Heads down, eyes looked away and breath held. It’s really, really sad. 

Theres so much “A white man killed a black man” and “White man beaten by black men” sort of bullshit today.

“A man killed a man”

“A man was beaten”

Why must rae be involved? This is what causes problems. People are so set on hate crimes which makes one or the other look bad and it’s just so awful. 


I fear the day I must bring children into such a corrupt and twisted world and try to explain to them the way the world sees and treats people, and how they really should be treated. 

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